Members of SOCC 1962 belonging to U.P. Vanguard joins SOCC 62' Executive Committee meeting held on March 20, 2012 at Aguinaldo Golf Course Restaurant to finalize the details of 50th Golden Alumni Homecoming of SOCC 1962 at Fort Magsaysay on June 1 and 2, 2012!
The meeting was attended by graduates of ROTC Advance Course from the different Schools all over the country who are members
of SOCC 1962, headed by its Chairman Emeritus Gen. Manuel C. Roxas of Arellano University. U.P. Vanguard graduates was represented by Gen. Ruperto Ambil, Jr., Gen. Rolando Crisologo San Juan and Col. Celestino Fernandez Desamito. Silliman University was represented by Col. Mateo H. Luga, Chairman of the Souvenir Program Committee. The University of the East was represented by Dir. Tito Nabua. Col. Arturo Abad from Far Eastern University, Col. Jameel JRM Jaymalin, Al Hajj and Bernardino “Monching Aguillon of Jose Rizal College and other schools from all over the country who were graduates of SOCC 1962 was also represented!

At right: Col. Celestino Fernandez Desamito,Former Deputy for Civil Military Operations, Southern Command, former Battalion Commander 20th Infantry Battalion, Dr. of Veterinary Medicine, 1973 TOYM Awardee for community Development, former Commandant U.P. DMST (Diliman). Below: Co. Jameel RM Jaymalin in blue checkered polo shirt with Monching Augillon at left and Col. Benny a. Letrondo, standing.

Gen. Manuel C. Roxas with Col. Mateo H. Luga at the right of Gen. Roxas.

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