It was 4:30 in the morning when a group of men in their early 70’s started to arrive at Quezon City Hall. They shall embark on a journey to the place where they, then at the prime years of their lives as teenagers, turned into men. The “discipline we learned and adopt in this place where we became men, at the prime years of our teenage life, molded and motivated us to develop ourselves, our career and path in life. Our experience defined the purpose and meaning of discipline, valor and camaraderie. It enlightened us of our purpose in life, the meaning of our existence to our family, community and country as well. Let us rekindle this spirit at the very the beginning of our journey for others to follow", said Director Tito Nabua, then Director of the Commission on Audit, Central Office, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, SOCC Class 1962.
This is just the beginning of our fifty (50) years journey to the place where it all started, where we all learned the meaning of teamwork, camaraderie and valor, the experience of how it feels to belong a Band . . . the Band of Brothers. The SOCC Class of 1962! MABUHAY!

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