On June 2012, the more than two hundred fifty (250) graduates of the Special Officers Candidate Course Class of 1962, the biggest class of Reserved Officers Training Course (ROTC) graduates from different schools in the entire archipelago who attended military training at Fort Magsaysay as probationary Second Lieutenants shall celebrate their Golden Anniversary.
Many of them became fine officers and gentlemen of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Some of them served the public and private sector in various capacity and most were already retired from the service. Yet, the spirit of what they have learned at Fort Magsaysay still marks in their hearts and mind. The spirit of brotherhood, as band of brothers.
Dedicated to the graduates of members of
Special Officers Candidate Course Class of 1962, Fort Magsaysay.
Dedicated to the graduates of members of
Special Officers Candidate Course Class of 1962, Fort Magsaysay.
By: Col. Benny A. Letrondo (PA, Ret.)
We have sailed the rough seas, battered every storm, crossed the deepest seas and climbed highest mountains despite so many obstacles. We survived the test of time, surpassed turmoil and debacles of politics yet, remained loyal to our oath and solemn duty to defend the Republic and the freedom we enjoy, which our forefathers dearly fought for. Though some may have lost along the way during rough times brought about by political turmoil and bickering, we remained steadfast and loyal to the Republic, the institutions it represents and to our oath to protect the lives, limbs and freedom of the people we all dearly love regardless of culture, creed, religion or political beliefs, believing in the greatness of this nation.
Gone were the days where we were so divided due to politics, self interest and decaying moral values. Let the politicians say their piece, the judges decide with conviction to truth, justice and fairness, the prosecutors to present their case and the people to live in peace. Let bygones be bygones for we are brothers in arms and in peace.
Let us march for this Republic to realize that we are united, united as band of brothers, united as a people, united as a nation. Let bickering, intrigues and politics pass through into to our left and right ears, for we are soldiers. Let us march altogether. Let us lead the march once again at the very place where our brotherhood started.
Let us remember those who were gone before us.
In memory of Col. Larion Lardizabal . . .